14 other slalom racers jockey for position at the favored pin end of the start
With 10 seconds to go, the fleet sends it, pushing speeds of 30 knots on
the first beat set 1/4 mile north of the St. Francis Yacht Club for the
final race in the 2018 Friday Night Slalom Series.
It's anyone's race as the top 2 are tied on points going into the series final.
Most racers have 2-3 rigs & 1-2 boards available at their disposal but
I'm running tight this season with only 1 board and 1 rig used for the entire
series. It works for 90% of the time. The other 10%, I hang on like hell and
just enjoy the ride.
We round the first mark set deep in mounds of chop and a blistering breeze.
I come in hot just behind the leaders and wait for a moment to pounce. Dr. Nick
Mast is in full control just behind the series leaders, Soheil Zahedi &
Jean Rathle. I wait for any opportunity but the leaders don't let up one bit.

2 more gybes, 3 more reaches and all I can do is hang onto 3rd for the 1st
My approach is to sail as conservative as possible in the front of the
fleet and not make any mistakes.
Race 2 starts and it's full mayhem on the 1st leg. I nail the start,
getting a good jump on the fleet at the pin end but the steep chop and deep
heading to the 1st mark make it almost impossible to control the 70 cm slalom
board. My back foot goes into the leeward strap just to maintain some sense of
control. We round in a tight pinwheel formation carving through the gybe and
getting shot out to the next leg. Those that don't commit fully, go down hard
and are left swimming at the mark. When you're out in front all you have to
worry about is not screwing up too much. There's no head games except for your
I make it through the remaining 2 gybes, hang on like hell and get the
bullet for the 2nd race of the night.
Race 3 goes by like some type of white flash. Wind, water, spray- it's
everywhere. I find myself in 4th behind the series leaders going into the last
leg. Local hot shot & chef extraordinaire, Andre Larzule demonstrates that
you don't need race gear to get around the course fast, just fast gybe and the
dude can gybe. I never get an opportunity to pass except to send it in the last
100m of the course. I put the petal to the metal and pass to windward with just
seconds to spare and squeeze into 3rd again.
Race 4 is where it's anyone's game. The leaders both take themselves out in
spectacular wipe outs. Soheil does a super man going into the 1st mark and is
left swimming as the fleet scurries by him. Local wizard, David Bernsten has
full control on his xs slalom board and small slalom rig. These are his
conditions for the past 25 years and he's killing it tonight. 1 more gybe to go
with David in the lead and Jean just a few board lengths ahead of me. We both
go into the gybe like a pair of synchronized swimmers. I opt for the inside
lane as Jean stumbles through his gybe and goes down. He's left a small room of
opportunity for me to take. The lane is only a few feet wide. With my butt
checks fully clenched, I send it. All I see are the whites of his eyes as I fly
past his head bobbing in the water. I make it through by the skin of my teeth
or maybe Jean's. I somehow keep it together the last leg to secure 2nd while
Dave gets the bullet. Jean is slow to get going to amongst the chaos of the rounding and takes his throw
out for the evening in 7th.

Race 5. A quick tally of the scores in my head puts Jean and I tied going
into the race and Soheil just 2 points ahead. Again, it's anyone's game to win
or lose. Both Jean and Soheil have eaten their throw out so there's no room for
any mistakes. There's some fierce head
battles between the 2 as whomever wins this last race, takes the series. The
duo never let each other out their sights in the pre-race battle. Soheil is on
his xs mike's lab 90l slalom board and 7.1 rig while Jean opts for his 100l
bump and jump board and 6.3m rig. What ever gets you around the course faster.

I'm just about beat down. Holding onto the 7.6m rig and big board has me feeling the pain. My arms are stretched to their limit. My hands- barley able to hold on. Maybe I should have opted for my time on the water this season in liue of kiting but I try not to think about it and just enjoy the ride for the last race of the season.
I get absolutely buried at the start, failing to pull the trigger early
enough as the top 3 boards fly off to an early lead. Soheil is in absolute
control on his small rig and flies to an early lead. However, you can never
count Dave out. He flies past Jean on the last leg and gets 2nd for the night
while Jean and I fill in from behind.
That leaves us tied for the evening and the tiebreaker for windsurfers
goes to whomever has the better throw-out. I have a 4th while Jean is sitting
on a 7th. As I'm reminded for the umpteenth time, you're only as good as your
worst race, even if it's a throw out.

A big congrats to Soheil for taking his first season series. He's been the
man all season, always with the right gear and sailing solidly every race when
it counts.
Ive been racing in the St.FYC Friday night series for almost 20 years now
and it's never been as much fun as it is now. I don't take things as seriously
as I used to but realize the reward comes in the process, not the results. No
matter how you finish, just enjoy the ride.
Many thanks to the St.FYC, PRO Ian Mcclelland, Race office and many volunteers to make this possible.
2018 StFYC Friday Night Slalom Series Results
Photos: Tia Westeberg, Maxim Pantchenko
2018 StFYC Friday Night Slalom Series Results
Photos: Tia Westeberg, Maxim Pantchenko