This weekends final of the Dutch Championship was run in Monnickendam, just north of Amsterdam on the IJ. With typical dutch lake conditions, sailors were greeted to a SW gusty and shifty breeze in the low to mid teens- not to mention an October chill to the air!
We ran a double windward leeward course with a gate at the bottom that gave you some options back upwind. It was important to see what was happening around the course because if the right was good on the first leg, it might not be again for the 2nd. Keeping in the pressure is always key in light air sailing. Usually the shore line will increase the wind as it is forces it to bend and accelerate around any natural geographical occurrences but it this case, you didn't want to get to close to the shore as it would leave you wishing you wound have gone the other way. For the most part then it was staring and hitting the port layline and coming across. If you could keep a lane upwind, it was all good.
You would think with all the right equipment Id be able to dial something in....eventually!!
But that still wasn't the case as I spent most of the past week swapping, sails, mast, fins and boards only to come to the conclusion that I havnt been able to change my technique enough for the new board.
That didn't stop the top 3 guys from dominating the regatta with the F2 Z and kashy fins.
The 40+ competitors had sufficient conditions to run 9 formula races over the weekend and almost, just almost a downwind slalom race on Sunday with the wind in the low to mid teens.
you write that NS feels more rigid and ride is more nervous than MS, but NS shows better results on Z board. If it is a problem, maybe new NS boom with adjustable head can make ride softer and add stability. Have you tried one?
Hi anonymous-
I havnt tried the new NS adjustable head- but the marketing is sure convincing:
I think the difference in the sails has to do with the characteristics of the north mast and maui sails mast as well as the sails they are built around.
The north mast is much stiffer and consequently requires much more downhaul. On the other hand, the MS mast is softer and the sail requires less downhaul.
I could feel that in the ride.
There wasn't any amazing difference once I jumped on the Maui sails so yes- perhaps changing the boom head variable might make a difference!
Generally though, a stiffer boom head is preferred for bigger sails. The streamlined strap on head that I am using is probably the tightest boom head on the market now.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi again,
for the 09 NS has only two FW sail sizes 11.0 and 12.0.
I had plans to buy 11.8, because 11.0 was lacking of power in light winds. What can I do now? 12.0 for 78kg? Is it a big difference comparing to 11.0?
Hi again anonymous-
I havnt seen the final sizing for the 09 north warps but can say that the 10.0 was the best sail in the 08 line up. I hope they dont drop it.
As per your questions- What can I do now? and Is it a big difference comparing to 11.0?
I havnt sailed the new sails yet so I cant tell you about any differences but suggest you try them out yourself to find out whats right for you.
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