Friday, September 25, 2009
Impressions from 2009 World Championships
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day 6 Formula Worlds
Both Allision and Wojeck were winning their fleets by the narrowest of margins and let victory escape them. Another hour and the conditions would have suited them but sometimes in sailing, luck is a big part of the game.
The conditions were testing us all day with the offshore breeze and seabreeze fighting each other. Finally at 4:30pm, we got 10-12k on the course and headed out. Under the black flag, I started on port with the top guys as I wanted to get to the right side where the clouds were filling in. I ducked most of the starboard tackers and began to foot to the favored side. Sure enough by overstanding a bit I was able to lay the top mark ahead of the pack and managed a strong downwind. The next upwind was really lightening up and I really made a big effort to overstand again to mantain a plane while the guys that tacked too early struggled to get going. With Sean and Adri on my tail I held on and finished on a strong note- especially as the conditions were not in my favor.
Overall pleased with regatta but as always so much to learn. Next year, I'm really going to focus more on my weakest area- lightwind and make a big effort to overcome the things that have been holding me back.
Getting ready to fly back to SF today after a long night out on the beach celebrating and letting loose.
As always the Spanish know how to throw a good regatta and am even better party!
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, September 18, 2009
Formula Worlds Day 5
Some days you're the cats meow.
Other days you cant find your way out of a box.
Today was one of those days.
Nothing seemed to go my way to matter how hard I tried.
Every shift, I found myself on the wrong end of.
Every sail choice was the wrong one.
My fins were going backwards.
With 2 throwouts, I might have well slept in till 4pm and got a fresh start.
You'd think at the World championships I would have figured these things out...or at least stayed home but then again you never know if you dont try.
I never really found my groove and struggled the whole day in the middle of the fleet.
We ran 4 races on a double windward-leeward course- finishing downwind just in front of the beach. The wind was pretty shifty with no side constantly paying off.
I went left. I went right, I even went up the middle a few upwind legs
In race 1, I took the 11.0 and 70cm kashy which seemed to go backwards. I didint have any power or angle upwind. I came in totally frustrated and was just about to switch to the 12.3 for race 2 when the wind jumped up to the mid to upper teens so I settled again for the 11.0 and got a bit better angle with the increased pressure. Getting buried at the start didnt help as the port tackers plowed right through my line!
In these short races, once you get stuck in the middle of the pack, its really hard to get out as everybodys got similar speed and angle.
In the 3rd and 4th race I switched down to the 67 kashy as the chop was building and wind up to 18-20k. With some better angle and speed off the wind, I was feeling better but still stuck in the middle with no where to go.
With one more day to go, there's still a chance to finish strong and any opportunity to learn something is worth it.
Up in front its the usual suspects who are making it look easy.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Formula Worlds Day 4
Everything looked in order for another day of light wind racing as the men's fleet all headed out on the 11 and 12m rigs. The forecast was due to ramp up later in the day but youve got to rig for the conditions you are facing now.
With that in mind, I took the 11m and 72xxs kashy. We had one general recall where I got off the line clean near the pin but the fleet was called back. In the next start I lined up similarly but with 30 or so port tackers it wasnt easy to get going and I got buried having to do 2 tacks in the first 2 minutes of the race. Slowly I fought my way back through the fleet giving it my all as the conditions ramped up. I was overpowered with the 11 but I knew everybody else was even more overpowered with their 12m rigs.
I thought to myself, keep grinding away, one board at a time.
Sure enough I was holding on as conditions got hairer and the mid fleet guys were dropping like flies. On the last downwind, I really caught up well as the chop and wind wewre perfectly lined up for the chicken strap to send it deep!
I finished in 29th- my best yet but was looking forward to the next race as things were heating up even more!
The fleet came ashore and it was a mad rush to rig the 10 and 67cm fin for the next race.
A bit of chaos at the event site with rigs flying and people rushing everywhere.
I went out early to get a feel for the conditions and felt really comfortable in the building seas and wind. It was up to 25-30k and 4-5' swell.
I really nailed the start and got off clean in the middle of the line, finally able to hold my own.
Boards were flying off the top off the chop with 2-3' of air below their fins.
I managed to hold it together well and rounded the top mark in the hunt with boards all around me.
Somehow, through, even with the double chicken strap I was going higher than most of the fleet but surviving as I some some spectatular wipeouts.
Rounding the leeward mark, things looked well but I dipped in the water as a piece of chop threw my board up and temporarily out of control. I quickly waterstarted and was grinding upwind well. I nailled the next windward layline but this time downwind, it was hairier than Ive sailed in a long time. 5-6' swell and pushing 30k. I was really in survival mode as was the rest of the fleet. Tactically I made a big mistake as I had to gybe 2 extra times as i misjudged the finish and that cost me a few positions but happy I survived in 1 piece and just around 30th.
It looked like we were going to race another 2 and I was all pumped up as I knew I could really climb up the scoresheet but alas the race director pulled the plug as saftey was becoming a big issue with a lot of people getting rescued.
Somwhow, even with 2 better races I mamanged move dwn to 42nd from 41st as alot of people in front of me used these 2 races as their throwouts.
Well , all I can do is keep sailing hard for the next 2 days.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Formula Worlds Day 3
Slow day here as the wind hardly showed up.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Formula Worlds Day 2
A short report today as it was a long day on the water with 3 light
wind races followed by the class general meeting.
I'm writing this exhausted from the days racing. It really took a toll
on me, fighting for each finish. Although my results didnt improve so
much as I'm stuck in 42nd, I felt I was sailing smarter today and was
really in the hunt for a few races.
All 3 races were 10-12k, shifty and puffy making it very tactical and
demanding races. I used the 12.3 and 72xxs kashy but was giving up
alot upwind in traffic. Im still having trouble holding a lane but as the day went on and I inched my booms up, things improved. By the last race I was up there in the top
20 going around the bottom mark but got hosed at the top mark in alot
of traffic. It felt good to up there sailing in the pack but just need
to close the deal
and finish stronger.
Tommorows another day and another chance to move up in the fleet and
make my goal of the top 30!
More rain showers expected as the heavens seem to opening up in
torrential downpours at the start and finish of todays racing.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, September 14, 2009
Formula worlds day 1
then again things never do!
At the mornings skippers meeting, the 2 fleet qualifying round was switched to a 80 board single fleet start. This puts a huge emphasis on starts as recovering in a 80 board fleet is much harder as the mid fleet traffic is tough to get around.
We started off the day with a 1-1/2 hour postponent untill the onshore breeze filled in. By the first start, the wind was in the low to mid teens but 1 general recall pulled the fleet back again for another try. Most were on their 12.0s as the breeze built more. I managed a decent start near the pin in relatively clear air and made my first tack just shy of the port layline when I heard a BIG CARBON CRACK and my sail cave in. Immediately I knew my boom had broken- not anywhere where I had made the previous 3 reinforcements on the wide custom tail but just a few inches back from where it fits into the back of the boom arm.
I made the slow painful sail back in (cursing myself for shotty workmanship and something totally preventable) but once ashore, tried not to think about it anymore and focus my energy on the next race. I put the new back end on the 12.3 but realized I'd be better off with the 11.0 the next race in the building breeze. Sure enough by race 2 the wind was up to 18-20k and a decent onshore chop. 1 more general recall saved me but the next start I was well below a few guys and eating dirty air the first beat up. I tacked early to find a lane and was fighting my way up the middle of the fleet. Downwind I gained a few boards by sailing deeper and faster but lost them again upwind as I rounded just behind a big pack and couldn't manage to keep a lane upwind and had to tack earlier than I wanted. By the top mark things were really heating up with some decent swell. Just as I tacked on the layline my sail bagged bagged out. Not another breakdown I thought but this time it was only the back pully that ripped out from the back of my boom. I managed to sail the final downwind with a very baggy sail but not loose anyone.
I guess it could have been worse as I managed to finish mid fleet in 41st.
Race 3 saw some major clouds moving in from the land which killed the onshore breeze but not before we managed the start. I actually headed out early as I wanted to be fully prepared and in control this time around. I tested the line with BRA 999 and got some line sights. By 30 secs to the start I saw a huge mid line sag and just went for it starting 2-3 board lengths above the guys around me and managed a great start. 1 minute later, the RC abandoned the race as the wind
almost shut down completely.
As I put the day behind me, I realize you"re only as good as you can recover. So here's to the next 5 days and making some better luck for myself!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Pre worlds training.
Welcome to Santa Pola Spain, site of the 2009 Formula World Championships.
International competitors have been ariving all week in prep for the biggest Formula Windsurfing event this year. 100+ of the fastest sailors are expected from around the world. At the moment the Spanish Champs are going on now here but no foreigners allowed!
That's given me a bit more of a chance to informally line up with lots of top sailors in a non racing format. I've taken the opportunity to test fins and fine tune my equipment for the best performance. So far the 12.3 north warp and 73xxs kashy on the starboard 160 are going good but hopeful I'm going to get the chance to use the 10.0 in stronger winds, like I've practiced all season.
Results and photos can be found at www. and when I can, updates here & at
More to come over the next few days.
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, September 4, 2009
2009 Bridge to Bridge race
That was the case for the 2009 Bridge to Bridge race which puts kites, skiffs and boards on an all out downwind speed run of 7.5 miles across the San Francisco Bay.
By the time I left the beach to make it up to the starting line- just outside the Golden Gate bridge, I already knew I was in trouble.
I opted to make a last minute switch and go for my bigger 11.0 rig while the rest of the formula fleet choose wisely with their 10.0 rigs. I was gunning for 'hero status' but somehow my instinct noted it would be 'idiot status!'
Enjoy the video from Sailgroove
The pre-start saw mountains of swell and voodoo chop outside the Gate with gust into the mid 20's. Just getting my head turned around for a downwind start was tough enough, despite the 59 other vessels lining up for the start. I got a bit distracted with 3 minutes to go when a Aussie 18 flipped to windward of me and dragged me down. I knew the red nun of the starting line would be favored but couldn't get there in time and had to start in more turbulent waters near the starting boat.
The leaders were off before I could even get going...not that I was ever really going as I was trying to hold onto the 11.0 in 3-4' chop and 20k+ gusts coming through the Gate.
Never give up I thought to myself.
Its a long race.
Anything can happen.
Sure enough the 11.0 was more than a handful on the way down and I never really got the chance to put the pedal to the metal and light everything up.
Up in front there were some dramatic lead changes in the last 100m to the finish.
Crad had a great jump on the fleet, completely dialed on his North 9.8 and ML8 but sat parked- almost able to reach across the line but never cross it. The kiters too had their moments but just in front of the finish line they all dropped their kites when the TI bubble hit 0-5k. Sure enough, like every year, the Aussi 18's with a few hundred square feet of sail area came blazing across the parking lot of stood up windsurfers and swimming kiters to get the bullet as well as 2nd place before Frank Wittke of France, the 1st kiter finally got across for 3rd.
Almost 4 minutes later, Percy was able to cross the line in 9th place and 1st windsurfer in an unspectacular non planning finish.
I managed to finish but it wasn't pretty in 15th place- just ahead of the legendary Ragtime, a 45-year-old wooden Spencer 65 from Newport Beach, Calif.
Then again only 22 out of the 59 boards, kites and boats that entered actually got across the line in the 30 minute time limit after the first finisher.
Ill take the small victories where I can and hopefully be all the wiser for the next race.
Full Results
And yes, the unveiling of the new L10 by Mike Z. Fresh out of the peel ply this morning with no paint and no grip.